
Data Privacy

Protect your brand, your consumers, and comply with the law.

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In today’s world of personalization and interconnectivity, companies are collecting and storing more consumer personal information than ever before. Now, with the passage of new data privacy laws, organizations need to pay close attention to how that information is being handled.
RevGen Partners has extensive experience in the practical application of deploying systems, policies and processes to comply with these laws. Our privacy experts stay up to date with these constantly evolving regulations. RevGen will help your business navigate CPRA, CDPA, CPA, and GDPR with confidence.

Free Webinar

Consumer Data Privacy

Are you concerned with meeting the requirements of data privacy legislation and retaining consumer trust? We hosted a free webinar on August 31st, 2021 to review the new laws and how RevGen can help companies address these issues now and in the future.

Our Approach

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Align your organizational strategy and capabilities with the requirements of new data privacy legislation.

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Assess your business needs and identify any gaps relating to compliance with data privacy regulations and your objectives.

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Create a comprehensive deployment plan to achieve legal compliance and future proof against any updates.

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Develop an operational cadence and continuous improvement plan to execute and optimize our privacy solution framework.

Types of Services
We start with any of the following types of assessments in order to identify, design, and execute the people, process, and technology infrastructure necessary to enable your compliance with the rapidly growing data privacy legislation while building consumer trust and protecting your brand.

  • Privacy-related technical infrastructure
  • CCPA/CPRA regulations (California)
  • CDPA regulations (Virginia)
  • CPA regulations (Colorado)
  • Multi-state regulatory assessment

Why RevGen
DATA PRIVACY KNOWLEDGE AND EXPERIENCE : Utilizing our real-world privacy experience and legislative research, we bring you the latest marketplace knowledge to ensure your organization architects the optimal privacy solution.

FOCUS ON YOUR CUSTOMER EXPERIENCES : We will work with you to deploy processes and technologies that deliver a positive customer experience that aligns with your brand promise.

SOLUTION-BASED APPROACH : We will help you select the right technical approach to meet your needs, which includes deploying market-leading privacy technologies like OneTrust.

Our Experts

Contact our data privacy expert to learn more about how RevGen can help you navigate the growing maze of data privacy requirements and lay the foundation for long-term success.

Map of US states, current state of data privacy regulations

US Legislation Tracker

RevGen is continuously tracking the movement of comprehensive data privacy bills moving through state legislatures. Here is the latest map showing status of bills across the country. The most recent to be signed into law was the Colorado Privacy Act (CPA) which goes into effect on July 1, 2023.

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OneTrust Partnership

RevGen is committed to helping you find the best data privacy solution for your organization. Whether it is a build-your-own approach or exploring off-the-shelf solutions, we can help. When it comes to off-the-shelf options, we are pleased to be a partner of OneTrust, the market leading technology platform for privacy, security, and data governance.

Data Privacy Success Stories

Fulfillment of CCPA Verifiable Consumer Requests

Digital EnablementAnalytics & InsightsCustomer Experience

Infrastructure development for communications company to comply with CCPA requests

Read More About Fulfillment of CCPA Verifiable Consumer Requests

Data Privacy Insights

The Future of Consumer Data Privacy

Analytics & Insights

Along with the increase in connected technology solutions and big data products has come a greater push for cybersecurity and data privacy legislation across the protect consumer data

Read More About The Future of Consumer Data Privacy

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